1. Pauline Blandina - Artist | 2. Series of Abstract Oils | 3. Portraits | 4. THE BURNING BUSH 2003 | 5. Jesus and Mary of Nazareth - Oil | 6. WordArt | 7. Inspiration | 8. VACATION IMAGES | 9. Flowers | 10. Gestures of Jesus | 11. Down the Mississippi | 12. Jesus in Symbol | Autobiographical Information


"The Burning Bush"
In 1989 I toured Israel and made
"The Burning Bush 1989" my first off-set lithograph.




"The Burning Bush 2003"
"Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Exodus 3:5
I pictured  fire coming through the leaves
 from an inside source.
We all can be a 'burning bush' when our lives reflect
the image of God ? 
Pauline Blandina